How many syllables in Soft
How many syllables?
1 Syllable
How it's divided?
- superl. - Easily yielding to pressure; easily impressed, molded,
or cut; not firm in resisting; impressible; yielding; also, malleable;
-- opposed to hard; as, a soft bed; a soft peach; soft earth; soft wood
or metal.
- superl. - Not rough, rugged, or harsh to the touch; smooth;
delicate; fine; as, soft silk; a soft skin.
- superl. - Hence, agreeable to feel, taste, or inhale; not
irritating to the tissues; as, a soft liniment; soft wines.
- superl. - Not harsh or offensive to the sight; not glaring;
pleasing to the eye; not exciting by intensity of color or violent
contrast; as, soft hues or tints.
- superl. - Not harsh or rough in sound; gentle and pleasing to the
ear; flowing; as, soft whispers of music.
- superl. - Easily yielding; susceptible to influence; flexible;
gentle; kind.
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