
A comprehensive database of all the words
and their syllables.


How many syllables in Swell



How many syllables?

1 Syllable

How it's divided?



  • v. i. - To grow larger; to dilate or extend the exterior surface or dimensions, by matter added within, or by expansion of the inclosed substance; as, the legs swell in dropsy; a bruised part swells; a bladder swells by inflation.
  • v. i. - To increase in size or extent by any addition; to increase in volume or force; as, a river swells, and overflows its banks; sounds swell or diminish.
  • v. i. - To rise or be driven into waves or billows; to heave; as, in tempest, the ocean swells into waves.
  • v. i. - To be puffed up or bloated; as, to swell with pride.
  • v. i. - To be inflated; to belly; as, the sails swell.
  • v. i. - To be turgid, bombastic, or extravagant; as, swelling words; a swelling style.


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