
A comprehensive database of all the words
and their syllables.


How many syllables in Such



How many syllables?

1 Syllable

How it's divided?



  • a. - Of that kind; of the like kind; like; resembling; similar; as, we never saw such a day; -- followed by that or as introducing the word or proposition which defines the similarity, or the standard of comparison; as, the books are not such that I can recommend them, or, not such as I can recommend; these apples are not such as those we saw yesterday; give your children such precepts as tend to make them better.
  • a. - Having the particular quality or character specified.
  • a. - The same that; -- with as; as, this was the state of the kingdom at such time as the enemy landed.
  • a. - Certain; -- representing the object as already particularized in terms which are not mentioned.


1 Syllable Words Starting with?

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