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How many syllables in Tackle



How many syllables?

2 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - Apparatus for raising or lowering heavy weights, consisting of a rope and pulley blocks; sometimes, the rope and attachments, as distinct from the block.
  • n. - Any instruments of action; an apparatus by which an object is moved or operated; gear; as, fishing tackle, hunting tackle; formerly, specifically, weapons.
  • n. - The rigging and apparatus of a ship; also, any purchase where more than one block is used.
  • n. - To supply with tackle.
  • n. - To fasten or attach, as with a tackle; to harness; as, to tackle a horse into a coach or wagon.
  • n. - To seize; to lay hold of; to grapple; as, a wrestler tackles his antagonist; a dog tackles the game.


2 Syllable Words Starting with?

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