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How many syllables in Myrtle



How many syllables?

2 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - A species of the genus Myrtus, especially Myrtus communis. The common myrtle has a shrubby, upright stem, eight or ten feet high. Its branches form a close, full head, thickly covered with ovate or lanceolate evergreen leaves. It has solitary axillary white or rosy flowers, followed by black several-seeded berries. The ancients considered it sacred to Venus. The flowers, leaves, and berries are used variously in perfumery and as a condiment, and the beautifully mottled wood is used in turning.
  • noun - Widely cultivated as a groundcover for its dark green shiny leaves and usually blue-violet flowers
  • noun - Any evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Myrtus


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