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How many syllables in Bergamot



How many syllables?

3 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - A tree of the Orange family (Citrus bergamia), having a roundish or pear-shaped fruit, from the rind of which an essential oil of delicious odor is extracted, much prized as a perfume. Also, the fruit.
  • n. - A variety of mint (Mentha aquatica, var. glabrata).
  • n. - The essence or perfume made from the fruit.
  • n. - A variety of pear.
  • n. - A variety of snuff perfumed with bergamot.
  • n. - A coarse tapestry, manufactured from flock of cotton or hemp, mixed with ox's or goat's hair; -- said to have been invented at Bergamo, Italy. Encyc. Brit.


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