
A comprehensive database of all the words
and their syllables.


How many syllables in Whip



How many syllables?

1 Syllable

How it's divided?



  • v. t. - To strike with a lash, a cord, a rod, or anything slender and lithe; to lash; to beat; as, to whip a horse, or a carpet.
  • v. t. - To drive with lashes or strokes of a whip; to cause to rotate by lashing with a cord; as, to whip a top.
  • v. t. - To punish with a whip, scourge, or rod; to flog; to beat; as, to whip a vagrant; to whip one with thirty nine lashes; to whip a perverse boy.
  • v. t. - To apply that which hurts keenly to; to lash, as with sarcasm, abuse, or the like; to apply cutting language to.
  • v. t. - To thrash; to beat out, as grain, by striking; as, to whip wheat.
  • v. t. - To beat (eggs, cream, or the like) into a froth, as with a whisk, fork, or the like.


1 Syllable Words Starting with?

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