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How many syllables in Visionary



How many syllables?

4 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • a. - Of or pertaining to a visions or visions; characterized by, appropriate to, or favorable for, visions.
  • a. - Affected by phantoms; disposed to receive impressions on the imagination; given to reverie; apt to receive, and act upon, fancies as if they were realities.
  • a. - Existing in imagination only; not real; fanciful; imaginary; having no solid foundation; as, visionary prospect; a visionary scheme or project.
  • n. - One whose imagination is disturbed; one who sees visions or phantoms.
  • n. - One whose imagination overpowers his reason and controls his judgment; an unpractical schemer; one who builds castles in the air; a daydreamer.


4 Syllable Words Starting with?

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