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and their syllables.


How many syllables in Trial



How many syllables?

2 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - The act of trying or testing in any manner.
  • n. - Any effort or exertion of strength for the purpose of ascertaining what can be done or effected.
  • n. - The act of testing by experience; proof; test.
  • n. - Examination by a test; experiment, as in chemistry, metallurgy, etc.
  • n. - The state of being tried or tempted; exposure to suffering that tests strength, patience, faith, or the like; affliction or temptation that exercises and proves the graces or virtues of men.
  • n. - That which tries or afflicts; that which harasses; that which tries the character or principles; that which tempts to evil; as, his child's conduct was a sore trial.


2 Syllable Words Starting with?

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z