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How many syllables in Tarnish



How many syllables?

2 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • a. - To soil, or change the appearance of, especially by an alternation induced by the air, or by dust, or the like; to diminish, dull, or destroy the luster of; to sully; as, to tarnish a metal; to tarnish gilding; to tarnish the purity of color.
  • v. i. - To lose luster; to become dull; as, gilding will tarnish in a foul air.
  • n. - The quality or state of being tarnished; stain; soil; blemish.
  • n. - A thin film on the surface of a metal, usually due to a slight alteration of the original color; as, the steel tarnish in columbite.


2 Syllable Words Starting with?

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