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How many syllables in Spindle



How many syllables?

2 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - The long, round, slender rod or pin in spinning wheels by which the thread is twisted, and on which, when twisted, it is wound; also, the pin on which the bobbin is held in a spinning machine, or in the shuttle of a loom.
  • n. - A slender rod or pin on which anything turns; an axis; as, the spindle of a vane.
  • n. - The shaft, mandrel, or arbor, in a machine tool, as a lathe or drilling machine, etc., which causes the work to revolve, or carries a tool or center, etc.
  • n. - The vertical rod on which the runner of a grinding mill turns.
  • n. - A shaft or pipe on which a core of sand is formed.
  • n. - The fusee of a watch.


2 Syllable Words Starting with?

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