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How many syllables in Silver



How many syllables?

2 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - A soft white metallic element, sonorous, ductile, very malleable, and capable of a high degree of polish. It is found native, and also combined with sulphur, arsenic, antimony, chlorine, etc., in the minerals argentite, proustite, pyrargyrite, ceragyrite, etc. Silver is one of the "noble" metals, so-called, not being easily oxidized, and is used for coin, jewelry, plate, and a great variety of articles. Symbol Ag (Argentum). Atomic weight 107.7. Specific gravity 10.5.
  • n. - Coin made of silver; silver money.
  • n. - Anything having the luster or appearance of silver.
  • n. - The color of silver.
  • a. - Of or pertaining to silver; made of silver; as, silver leaf; a silver cup.
  • a. - Resembling silver.


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