How many syllables?
3 Syllables
How it's divided?
- a. - Being between the two extremes; middle; interposed;
intervening; intermediate.
- a. - Acting by means, or by an intervening cause or instrument;
not direct or immediate; acting or suffering through an intervening
agent or condition.
- a. - Gained or effected by a medium or condition.
- a. - To be in the middle, or between two; to intervene.
- a. - To interpose between parties, as the equal friend of each,
esp. for the purpose of effecting a reconciliation or agreement; as, to
mediate between nations.
- v. t. - To effect by mediation or interposition; to bring about
as a mediator, instrument, or means; as, to mediate a peace.
3 Syllable Words Starting with?