How many syllables in Maple
How many syllables?
2 Syllables
How it's divided?
- n. - A tree of the genus Acer, including about fifty species. A.
saccharinum is the rock maple, or sugar maple, from the sap of which
sugar is made, in the United States, in great quantities, by
evaporation; the red or swamp maple is A. rubrum; the silver maple, A.
dasycarpum, having fruit wooly when young; the striped maple, A.
Pennsylvanium, called also moosewood. The common maple of Europe is A.
campestre, the sycamore maple is A. Pseudo-platanus, and the Norway
maple is A. platanoides.
- noun - Any of numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Acer bearing winged seeds in pairs; north temperate zone
- noun - Wood of any of various maple trees; especially the hard close-grained wood of the sugar maple; used especially for furniture and flooring
2 Syllable Words Starting with?