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How many syllables in Pencil



How many syllables?

2 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors.
  • n. - A slender cylinder or strip of black lead, colored chalk, slate etc., or such a cylinder or strip inserted in a small wooden rod intended to be pointed, or in a case, which forms a handle, -- used for drawing or writing. See Graphite.
  • n. - Hence, figuratively, an artist's ability or peculiar manner; also, in general, the act or occupation of the artist, descriptive writer, etc.
  • n. - An aggregate or collection of rays of light, especially when diverging from, or converging to, a point.
  • n. - A number of lines that intersect in one point, the point of intersection being called the pencil point.
  • n. - A small medicated bougie.


2 Syllable Words Starting with?

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