How many syllables in Favor
How many syllables?
2 Syllables
How it's divided?
- n. - Kind regard; propitious aspect; countenance; friendly
disposition; kindness; good will.
- n. - The act of countenancing, or the condition of being
countenanced, or regarded propitiously; support; promotion;
- n. - A kind act or office; kindness done or granted; benevolence
shown by word or deed; an act of grace or good will, as distinct from
justice or remuneration.
- n. - Mildness or mitigation of punishment; lenity.
- n. - The object of regard; person or thing favored.
- n. - A gift or represent; something bestowed as an evidence of
good will; a token of love; a knot of ribbons; something worn as a
token of affection; as, a marriage favor is a bunch or knot of white
ribbons or white flowers worn at a wedding.
2 Syllable Words Starting with?