How many syllables in Will
How many syllables?
1 Syllable
How it's divided?
- v. - The power of choosing; the faculty or endowment of the soul
by which it is capable of choosing; the faculty or power of the mind by
which we decide to do or not to do; the power or faculty of preferring
or selecting one of two or more objects.
- v. - The choice which is made; a determination or preference which
results from the act or exercise of the power of choice; a volition.
- v. - The choice or determination of one who has authority; a
decree; a command; discretionary pleasure.
- v. - Strong wish or inclination; desire; purpose.
- v. - That which is strongly wished or desired.
- v. - Arbitrary disposal; power to control, dispose, or determine.
1 Syllable Words Starting with?