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How many syllables in Voluntary



How many syllables?

4 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • v. t. - Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of choice.
  • v. t. - Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous; acting of one's self, or of itself; free.
  • v. t. - Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed; intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter.
  • v. t. - Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in distinction from involuntary motions, such as the movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers, which are the agents in voluntary motion.
  • v. t. - Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary agent.
  • v. t. - Free; without compulsion; according to the will, consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration; gratuitous; without valuable consideration.


4 Syllable Words Starting with?

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z