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How many syllables in Tertiary



How many syllables?

3 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • a. - Being of the third formation, order, or rank; third; as, a tertiary use of a word.
  • a. - Possessing some quality in the third degree; having been subjected to the substitution of three atoms or radicals; as, a tertiary alcohol, amine, or salt. Cf. Primary, and Secondary.
  • a. - Later than, or subsequent to, the Secondary.
  • a. - Growing on the innermost joint of a bird's wing; tertial; -- said of quills.
  • n. - A member of the Third Order in any monastic system; as, the Franciscan tertiaries; the Dominican tertiaries; the Carmelite tertiaries. See Third Order, under Third.
  • n. - The Tertiary era, period, or formation.


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