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How many syllables in Quadrate



How many syllables?

2 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • a. - Having four equal sides, the opposite sides parallel, and four right angles; square.
  • a. - Produced by multiplying a number by itself; square.
  • a. - Square; even; balanced; equal; exact.
  • a. - Squared; suited; correspondent.
  • a. - A plane surface with four equal sides and four right angles; a square; hence, figuratively, anything having the outline of a square.
  • a. - An aspect of the heavenly bodies in which they are distant from each other 90ยก, or the quarter of a circle; quartile. See the Note under Aspect, 6.


2 Syllable Words Starting with?

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z