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How many syllables in Egret



How many syllables?

2 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - The name of several species of herons which bear plumes on the back. They are generally white. Among the best known species are the American egret (Ardea, / Herodias, egretta); the great egret (A. alba); the little egret (A. garzetta), of Europe; and the American snowy egret (A. candidissima).
  • n. - A plume or tuft of feathers worn as a part of a headdress, or anything imitating such an ornament; an aigrette.
  • n. - The flying feathery or hairy crown of seeds or achenes, as the down of the thistle.
  • n. - A kind of ape.


2 Syllable Words Starting with?

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