
A comprehensive database of all the words
and their syllables.


How many syllables in Counterpoint



How many syllables?

3 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - An opposite point
  • n. - The setting of note against note in harmony; the adding of one or more parts to a given canto fermo or melody
  • n. - The art of polyphony, or composite melody, i. e., melody not single, but moving attended by one or more related melodies.
  • n. - Music in parts; part writing; harmony; polyphonic music. See Polyphony.
  • n. - A coverlet; a cover for a bed, often stitched or broken into squares; a counterpane. See 1st Counterpane.


3 Syllable Words Starting with?

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z